Monthly Archives: April 2014

John Updike – A Tribute

A great writer creates a world of his own and his readers are proud to live in it.

Cyril Connolly

In my role as chairman of The Great Fenway Park Writers Series for the Red Sox, I tried several times to persuade John Updike, the literary immortal, to come to Fenway and speak at one of our luncheons. I thought it would be an easy sale, as Mr. Updike lived not far away in Beverly Farms, but to my very great regret those efforts failed – and now the great man is gone.

Jackie Robinson – A Tribute

On March 2nd, 2005, in the Great Rotunda of the Capitol of the United States, President George W. Bush presented to Rachel Robinson the Congressional Gold Medal, given posthumously in honor of her late husband, Jackie Robinson. Ms. Robinson’s daughter, Sharon, and her son, David, were present at the special ceremony, as were Congressional leaders and more than 500 people.The Congressional Gold Medal given Mr. Robinson took place 58 years after he became the first black player in major league baseball. It is worthy of note that the first recipient of the Gold Medal, the nation’s highest civilian award, was first presented to George Washington.

Civil Society and the Boston Red Sox

Community is a word often invoked. Its usage, however, has so many subtexts its meaning is frequently puzzling; it’s become a coin of the realm word, but the value of its coinage is devalued; its unspecific nature confounds the public’s understanding.

To be sure community is a wholly valid word. The Latin of its origin denotes its honorable lineage. But its application in today’s society is so common that one wonders what specifically does it mean? When one says “community” to what “community” does one refer? There is an African-American community, Hispanic community, Asian community, business community, education community, arts community, faith community – but there is no one specific community unless otherwise designated.

Community has thus become a self-limiting word. Its overuse leading to its misuse.

There is a better expression, an all-encompassing phrase – “civil society.” That phrase speaks to interests beyond one group, reminding us America’s greatness is indivisible from participation by all its communities, for only by coming together in behalf of one great civil society are the interests of all served – and the life of our nation strengthened.

Original “About Us” Page

Originally written by our late Chairman, George Mitrovich, this text that used to adorn the About Us section of the website still describes the principles of the Great Fenway Park Writers Series today.